Cucumber, herb & pomegranate salad

We love salads and they're our preferred way of eating vegetables. You'd probably describe this as a Middle Eastern-inspired salad, somewhat similar to tabouli but without the grains. Either way, it's very refreshing during summer and as with many salads, pairs very well with a variety of simply grilled proteins including chicken, steak and fish.

The best part is that this salad can easily be made while you're grilling your protein of choice. The salad comes together very quickly which is always great for a quick weeknight meal.

Cucumber, herb & pomegranate salad ingredients

  • Cucumber - I use small cucumbers, which are known as "Lebanese cucumbers" in Australia. Persian cucumbers are similar and are also suitable. Both of these varieties are smaller and have a thinner skin than the larger English or continental cucumbers. Use whichever type of cucumber you prefer, just substitute the equivalent weight.
  • Pomegranate arils - frozen pomegranate is fine, and a convenient alternative to removing the arils from pomegranate yourself. If you don't like the taste of pomegranate or can't find them, you can substitute with cranberries or raisins.
  • Herbs in the form of parsley, coriander/cilantro, and mint. It's fine to use the stems for the coriander and parsley unless they're thick and chewy, but pick the mint leaves from the stems.
  • Red onion
  • Salt - to taste, add just before serving.
  • Sumac - an optional spice, brings a tangy flavour to the salad. Leave it out if you'd prefer.
  • Lime juice - the acid complements the sweetness of the pomegranate well. Make sure it's freshly squeezed! Add just before serving.

Step-by-step guide to making cucumber, herb & pomegranate salad

  1. Prepare all ingredients according to their instructions. Dice the cucumber (1). Finely dice the onion (2). Rinse and dry the coriander/cilantro and then finely slice along with mint leaves (3) and parsley.

  2. Combine ingredients - combine the parsley, mint, coriander/cilantro (1), cucumber, onion, parsley, mint, coriander, pomegranate in a salad bowl (2). Add the lime, sumac (if using) and a pinch of salt. Stir well, and adjust to taste by adding more lime juice or salt as required (3).


  • Pomegranate arils are available at some supermarkets in the freezer. Removing the arils from the fruit can be a frustrating exercise, which makes frozen arils a great convenience. You can add them to the salad while frozen.
  • Use smaller, thin skinned cucumbers over larger, thick skin varieties.
  • Coriander/cilantro is often grown in sandy soil which can end up on the leaves. Wash the coriander leaves well before use.

What to serve with cucumber, herb & pomegranate salad

Serve this salad as part of a meze spread or with grilled protein.

Can I make substitutions for the herbs in this salad?

The combination of parsley, coriander/cilantro and mint gives this salad its distinctive Middle Eastern flavour - but I get that not everyone is a coriander/cilantro fan! Try doubling the parsley or adding some fresh dill.

Making the cucumber, herb & pomegranate salad ahead of time

The salad is easily made ahead. It'll keep well in the fridge for a couple of days.

Add the salt and lime juice just before serving, because both of these ingredients will wilt the herbs.

Add your own touch

  • Add some cooked grains, for example bulgur, couscous, quinoa or freekeh.
  • Use cheese, such as crumbled feta or goats cheese to add creaminess.
  • Add heat, in the form of chilli - either cayenne or chilli powder, or add some fresh chillies.
  • Toasted nuts, such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts or pine nuts.

Cucumber, herb & pomegranate salad

Prep Total
10 mins 10 mins
Serves 4
A vibrant Middle Eastern inspired salad, packed with fresh herbs - perfect to serve as part of a healthy meze spread or with your favorite grilled protein.
  • 600g cucumber, diced preferably Lebanese or Persian, see note 1
  • Small onion, finely diced around 80g
  • 60g parsley, finely sliced stems are fine to include
  • 15g mint leaves, finely sliced pick leaves - don't use the mint stems
  • 30g coriander/cilantro, rinsed and dried, finely sliced stems are fine to include - see note 2
  • 100g pomegranate arils about half a fresh pomegranate, or frozen is fine - see note 3 for substitutions
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tbsp sumac optional
  • Salt, to taste
  1. Prepare all ingredients according to their instructions. Dice the cucumber. Finely dice the onion. Pick the mint leaves from the stems. Rinse and dry the coriander/cilantro and then finely slice along with mint leaves and parsley.
  2. Combine ingredients - combine the cucumber, onion, parsley, mint, coriander, pomegranate in a salad bowl. Add the lime, sumac (if using) and a pinch of salt. Stir well, and adjust to taste by adding more lime juice or salt as required.
  1. Lebanese or Persian cucumbers have thin skin and minimal seeds. If you use a thick skinned cucumber, I'd recommend peeling it.
  2. Coriander/cilantro is typically grown in very sandy soil. If there is any sand on the leaves, make sure you thoroughly rinse it and dry using paper towel or a tea towel.
  3. Pomegranate arils can be purchased frozen which is a convenient way to use them. No need to thaw them before use. If you use a fresh pomegranate, you'll need the arils from half the fruit. Alternatives are cranberries or raisins.

Hey, I'm Sam! Welcome to The Aproneer.

I created The Aproneer to share the recipes that my family and friends love to eat.

Here you'll find a mixture of tried and tested family favourites, great entertaining options and a variety of authentic international dishes.